Launching an independent print magazine is never an easy task, and I am proud of what's been achieved so far.

Tonic comes from my passion for keeping the art of storytelling alive. It's a self-funded project. All writers, artists and photographers get paid, but I would like to do more.

With this in mind, I would like to ask for your help.


Your support means Tonic can deliver quality journalism open to everyone. However big or small, every contribution is so valuable for our future. We will also be able to commission the highest calibre of talent and ensure that the rates we pay are fair and reflective of the work produced. 

What you get

Your name will be featured in the upcoming print edition. You will also get that warm glow inside from doing something good. This can never be underestimated.

Don't forget you can also subscribe to Tonic. Details can be found here.

Hopefully, I will see you at an event soon. Until then, thanks in advance for your support.  

